Level your knowledge up thanks to our tests.

Why should you test your knowledge?

  • list-item
    You will find out the level of your knowledge.
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    You will compare your knowledge to other StartupJobs users.
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    You will be able to show your results off on social networks.
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    You will increase your chances in selection processes since startups will have access to your results.

Knowledge test rules

  • You go through the questions one at a time and it's not possible to go back, only forward.
  • Time to complete the test is 20 minutes. After that, the test will automatically be evaluated.
  • Once you open a test, you have to complete it. You only have one attempt to pass the test.
  • You can repeat the same test in 2 months.
  • In some tests, the questions have one correct answer, in others there are multiple correct options. Look at the test guidelines.

How much does it cost?

Tests on StartupJobs are completely free. You can take as many tests as you want (or as many as your knowledge can handle).

You will get the results immediately after completing the test, also free of charge.

The only condition is registering on StartupJobs.

How does it work?

  1. Choose a test
    Choose one of dozens of tests, in which you can check your knowledge of programming, marketing, languages, HR and many other areas. Start with the junior level, which tests basic knowledge of the chosen topic.
  2. Test yourself
    Test your knowledge in a selected test. The tests contain 20 questions that you have 20 minutes to complete. Some of the tests have questions with one correct answer, others have multiple correct answers. Please pay attention to the instructions before starting the test.
  3. Find out the results
    After the test, you will see your success rate and you can compare it with other tested StartupJobs users. You can brag about your results on social networks and challenge your friends to compete.
  4. Access more tests

    If you answer more than 20% of the questions correctly, you will unlock the next test level. After the Advanced level you'll get to the Senior level. If the test didn't go as you expected, don't despair, you can repeat it in two months and improve your results.

We wish you the best of luck!

Do you have any questions regarding the tests?

We won't give you the right answers, but otherwise we're here for you!

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